1.  Can You Still Make A Living from Blogging?
Can you make a living as a blogger? If you ask me, I’d say a BIG YES!

Yes, 90% of the blogs never make even $100 and yes there are thousands of websites going live every single day. But it’s also possible to make a decent income from blogging.

I’m a live example. Let me quickly introduce myself – later we’ll discuss how this blog can help you make a living from blogging. Let’s get started!

Who Is Tamil Selvan And What Does He Do?

Hi, I’m Tamil Selvan, a professional blogger from Gurgaon, India and I launched this blog called BloggersPassion on Jan 1st 2010.

I have a master’s degree in computers and I got the motivation to start BloggersPassion blog after seeing the success of some of the leading blogs in blogging and make money online niche like Problogger, ShoeMoney, and JohnChow.

It’s been 10 long years since I started this blog and blogging has evolved so much since then.

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